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Email Server Software CMailServer - [ Download | By: Youngzsoft | Shareware | Ratings: ]
From the developer: CMailServer, a small and easy to administer email server software and web mail server software, can help you build your own email server for Win NT/2000/XP. It enables you to send and receive email across the Internet or within your LAN. The ESMTP authentication, ASP form web mail and multiple domain names are supported. CMailServer offers an unlimited email users license at a reasonable and affordable price compared to other email server software. For those small to medium sized companies, CMailServer will be an economic and effective solution to handle their e-mail management requirements. CMailServer also is a web mail server software and provides full web mail service. The web mail is based on ASP. You can customize your web mail interface freely. Give it a try and find out how easy it is to build an email server and web mail server for your own business. (added Jan, 2004)

Click to buy Email Server Software CMailServer now.

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