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Benign - [ Download | By: Firetrust - Benign | Shareware | Ratings: ]
Benign is an excellent anti spam program. It Stops viruses, worms, scripts, web bugs and other nasties from infecting your computer. Benign takes in e-mail and simply produces, safer e-mail. The key point that makes Benign different is the approach that has been taken to ensuring the security of your e-mail. Whereas the majority of programs attempt to solve the problem by trying to scan for the specific problems they are aware of, Benign does it 'the proper way' - it fully decodes the e-mail, removes anything dangerous or malicious, and then rewrites the e-mail in such a way as to guarantee that it will be interpreted by the your mail program as it should be. This is all done instantly. Benign works with any e-mail program, so you can use it right away. It sits quietly in your system tray stripping out the bad content from e-mail as they come in to your computer without altering the original look of the e-mail. It is also very simple to setup, just import your accounts into Benign and you're done. Benign picks up your e-mail before your e-mail program does and neutralizes or strips out the bad stuff. You don't have to change anything about how you normally receive your e-mail, just receive e-mail as you normally would and Benign will neutralize the nasties as they enter your computer. At any time, you can make Benign issue a comprehensive report on which e-mail it has stripped of certain nasties, or attachments that have been renamed or stripped. An excellent product ! Two thumbs up ! (added 24/12/04)

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