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WinZip - [ Download | By: WinZip Computing, Inc. | Shareware | Ratings: ]
WinZip is the world’s most popular compression and decompression utility for Windows. Winzip comes with a built-in support for popular Internet files formats like ZIP, TAR Uencoded, XXencoded, BinHex, MIME, as well as Unix-compressed files. LZH, ARJ, and ARC files are also supported (via external programs). Winzip also has an optional wizard feature which simplifies file unzipping and installing. Program’s main features include: built-in disk-spanning support for multidisk ZIP files, an Browser Support add-on which lets you download and open ZIP files directly from the Internet with one click (IE or Netscape browsers). Winzip also allows you to split Zip files into multiple parts. WinZip’s taskbar tray icon gives you instant access to recently opened Zip files and other common WinZip tasks. (added 24/12/03)

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