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AdShield - [ Download | By: AdShield, LLC. | Shareware | Ratings: ]
From the developer: AdShield is a pop-ups and ad blocker. Some of its main features include: Automatically blocks pop-ups and delayed pop-ups. Improves browser performance because blocked banner ad images are never downloaded. Lets you easily add banner ads and pop-ups to the block list using a point-and-click or drag-and-drop interface. Blocks entire categories of advertisements or undesirable content by adding any portion of a URL to the block list. For example, /banners/ will block anything with the string "/banners/" in it. Integrates seamlessly with Internet Explorer. Dynamically removes and restores images and frames as they are identified without refreshing the browser. Improves performance using optional background downloading and caching of pages/images linked to the ones you're viewing. Provides fully automated install and uninstall. AdShield is not a personal proxy server, so there's nothing to configure. (added 24/12/03)

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