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ArGoSoft FTP Server - [ Download | By: ArGo Software Design | Freeware | Ratings: ]
From the developer: ArGoSoft FTP Server is a FTP server for Windows95/98/NT, and supports all basic FTP commands, and much more, such as passive mode, resuming file transfers, windows shortcuts to another files, folders and drives (including network drives), virtual domains (multiple IP homes), IP filtering, site specific commands, such as compressing and copying files on the server, changing date/time stamps, and so on. It does not limit the number of users, you can grant different users the access to different directories, specify their rights, allow anonymous access. It's intuitive, simple, compact. And... it works. Server also exposes two automation objects. If you are a developer, you can control users, and administer the server using your own applications. (added Jan, 2004)

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