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BladeFTP - [ Download | By: Brucenan | Freeware | Ratings: ]
Blade FTP is a FREE FTP client . It allows you browse several FTP site at the same time, you can also create a task and add the files into it, the task can execute automatically, it makes the updating and downloading very easy. Another new feature is History Manage, it can record the detail of uploading and downloading every time, when you are going to update your web site, you can simply re-execute the history. Key program features: You can Browse more than one FTP site at the same time ; Uploading/downloading/Erasing a whole directory ; Recording the detail of your job and you can use history manage to execute it again. ; Task supported. Add the files and directories into a task and run it, all will be done automatically. ; Proxy/socks supported ; Automatically Keeping connection when idle ; Explorer like user interface. And more… (added 24/12/03)

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