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Mediathek Premium - [ Download | By: Stephane faucourt | Freeware | Ratings: ]
From the developer: Mediathek is a personal information & inventory manager. It helps you manage anything you own : Videos, Audios, Software, Books, Collectibles and personal belongings. Mediathek is very powerfull and user-friendly; Manage everything using a nice explorer-like interface with high-color icons, folders, and colored text items. Features: Intuitive interface, user input and productivity tools, Lending module and borrowers management, Internet capabilities, Powerful printing features, Jpeg image support to illustrate your items, full customization, statistics, 50+ icons for medium/collectibles, many import/export filters (including text, HTML, XML, CDDB) etc... Includes sample files, Import/Export filters, (un)setup program, documentation. Freeware only when used in a strictly personal context, shareware for business use.

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