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Foto Time FotoAlbum - [ Download | By: FotoTime | Freeware | Ratings: ]
FotoAlbum is a photo album application. It enables you to Import and organize photos and videos, View and update picture properties, Browse photos using thumbnails and View fullsize photos and videos. Program key features include: Easily import photos into from a digital camera, scanner or a photoCD ; Automatically generate filenames or use filenames provided by the camera or device ; Organize photos and videos into albums and groups ; Control the display order of your albums and pictures ; Assign captions, keywords and dates to your pictures. Use batch mode to update captions, keywords or dates for selected photos ; Rotate or flip pictures in single or batch mode ; Choose information to display with thumbnails such as caption or date ; Customize thumbnails appearance including size and color ; Sort thumbnails by date, filename or choose your own custom order ; View full screen slideshows of your photos and videos ; Customize your slideshow with transitions between pictures ; Zoom in on picture details in the slideshow viewer ; Create a screen saver from your photos ; Make a picture to your Windows wallpaper and more (added 24/12/03)

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