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Im4cam - [ Download | By: Intermedia | Freeware | Ratings: ]
Im4cam is an Internet Multipoint Conferencing program. It supports multimedia data transmission in real time such as video, audio, text, and whiteboard. It will enable you to control multiple remote cameras, chat with up to ten people at a time as well as play MIDI files. Audio/video conferencing is possible with this application's ability to record video and audio simultaneously, and you can access password-protected conference rooms for undisturbed privacy. Program key Features include: Support for Video conferencing between Private IP users as well as between Global to Global IP users and Global to Private IP users; Useful Screen Viewfinder function; Network hi-fi MIDI-player in real time; Record Video and Audio streams simultaneously ; Intelligent Network traffic management; Display the status of current data transmission and network condition; Remote Camera Controlling and monitoring sub-system; Supports Wireless-LAN or Firewall partially; Peer-to-peer communications between clients; Float/enlarge with double click; White Board; Chat Box ; Remote Document Presentation and File Transfer. (added 24/12/03)

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