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Happy Housetraining - [ Download | By: Gene R. Sower | | Ratings: ]
If you plan on getting a dog or already own a puppy then you need this information. Written by Gene R. Sower, editor of the DOG BYTES Newsletter, dog writer, dog owner and moderator of the DOG BYTES Forum, the information in this Happy Housetraining eBook covers all aspects of training your dog to be housetrained (or housebroken as it's often called), whether you choose the indoor paper training method or going outside. It applies mainly to puppies but can work just as well on grown dogs who may be in need of some corrective training. Housetraining your dog is a key step to making your puppy or dog an integrated and accepted part of your family. The Happy Housetraining eBook will show you, step-by-step, how to train your puppy or dog to urinate and defecate where and when you want them to. Based on the proven and successful crate training method, this instantly downloadable eBook will show you how to easily and effectively housetrain your puppy or dog, common pitfalls to avoid, how to use positive reinforcement effectively, when to feed your pooch, how much and lot's more.

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