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200 A Day! Housecleaning For Profit - [ Download | By: | | Ratings: ]
From the author: This eBook guides you on how to Start & Manage Your Own Cleaning Service. Ever dream of starting your own business, but felt winded by the thought of start-up costs, legalities, how and where to start? I had them myself. But through trial and error, I discovered the residential cleaning industry to be an ideal opportunity for personal, professional and financial independence! Today, you can start a new home-based cleaning business or build a second income! From Hawaii to New York, anyone can find success! Guaranteed. This step-by-step guide provides concrete no-nonsense information about starting your own business- all for low start-up costs. You just won't find this kind of practical material in any other book. This complete tutorial is written based on 12 years experience as a business woman. (that's right, I started at 19!) (added 24/12/03)

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